Top 10 Myths About Lab Created Diamond Engagement Rings Debunked

Lab created diamond engagement rings have become a popular choice today, offering a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to mined diamonds.

However, despite their growing popularity, many myths and misconceptions surround lab grown diamonds.

This blog will debunk the top 10 myths about Lab created diamond engagement rings, providing clarity and confidence for those considering this option.

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Myth 1: Lab Created Diamonds Are Not Real Diamonds

Debunked: One of the constant myths is that Lab created diamonds are not real diamonds. This is simply not true. Lab created diamonds are chemically, physically, and optically identical to mined diamonds.

They are made from carbon atoms arranged in a crystal structure, just like natural diamonds, and are recognized as genuine diamonds by gemological institutes.

Myth 2: Lab Created Diamonds Are Flawless

Debunked: While Lab created diamonds are produced in controlled environments, they can still have inclusions and imperfections, just like natural diamonds.

The difference is that the process allows for greater control over the diamond’s formation, which can result in fewer and less noticeable inclusions.

Myth 3: Lab Created Diamonds Are Cheap Imitations

Debunked: Lab created diamonds should not be confused with diamond simulants like cubic zirconia or moissanite.

These simulants look similar to diamonds but have different chemical compositions and properties.

On the other hand, Lab created diamonds are genuine diamonds and priced accordingly, although they are generally less expensive than mined diamonds due to the more efficient production process.

Myth 4: Lab Created Diamonds Lack Variety

Debunked: There is a misconception that Lab created diamonds are limited in variety and cannot match the range of natural diamonds. In reality, Lab created diamonds come in a wide array of sizes, shapes, and colors. 

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Myth 5: Lab Created Diamonds Do Not Have Resale Value

Debunked: The resale value of a diamond, whether Lab created or mined, depends on various factors, including market demand, the diamond’s quality, and its condition. While the resale market for Lab created diamonds is still developing, they do have resale value.

Moreover, as awareness and acceptance of Lab created diamonds grow, their resale value is likely to increase.

Myth 6: Lab Created Diamonds Are Not Sustainable

Debunked: Lab grown diamonds are produced in controlled settings without the need for mining. This means they are free from environmental destruction often linked to the diamond mining industry.

Myth 7: Lab Created Diamonds Are Not Durable

Debunked: Lab created diamonds are just as durable as natural diamonds. They are composed of the same carbon structure, making them incredibly hard and resistant to scratching and damage.

On the scale of hardness, both Lab created and natural diamonds score a perfect 10, ensuring they can withstand daily wear and tear.

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Myth 8: Lab Created Diamonds Are a Passing Trend

Debunked: Lab created diamonds are not a passing trend but a significant innovation in the jewelry industry. The demand for sustainable alternatives like Lab created diamonds is expected to continue rising. Genuine benefits, including cost savings and environmental sustainability drive their popularity.

Myth 9: Lab Created Diamonds Cannot Be Distinguished from Natural Diamonds

Debunked: It’s often claimed that Lab created diamonds cannot be distinguished from natural diamonds.

While it is true that they are virtually identical in appearance and composition, gemological laboratories can differentiate between the two using specialized equipment.

These distinctions are based on growth patterns and trace elements specific to Lab grown diamonds, which do not affect their overall quality or beauty.

Myth 10: Lab Created Diamonds Are Not As Sentimental

Debunked: The sentiment behind an engagement ring comes from the love and commitment it represents, not from its origin.

Lab created diamonds carry the same emotional significance as mined diamonds. Many couples find additional meaning in choosing a Lab created diamond because it aligns with their values of sustainability and ethical sourcing.


Lab created diamond engagement rings offer a modern and responsible choice for couples seeking a beautiful, ethical, and cost-effective alternative to mined diamonds. Debunking these myths reveals the true value and appeal of Lab created diamonds, highlighting their equivalence to natural diamonds in terms of beauty, durability, and authenticity.

As more people become aware of the benefits and truths about Lab created diamonds, they will likely become an even more popular choice for engagement rings and other fine jewelry.

Julie Higgins
Julie is a Staff Writer at She has been working in publishing houses before joining the editorial team at momooze. Julie's love and passion are topics around beauty, lifestyle, hair and nails.