43+ Chic White And Silver Nail Designs for Everyday Elegance

White and silver nail designs have become a recent nail trend we adore for their ability to remain understated yet stylish!

Reasons to love this iconic style are infinite; adding elegance to a regular look, versatility and compatibility with almost all colors, the list can go on.

If you want your next nail look  to be understated yet glamorous, white and silver nails are the way to go! 

Sounds interesting?

Browse the article below to find the chicest ideas for white and silver nails, more information on why the style is significant, and different styles you can try based on your aesthetic.

Let your claws shine on! 

43+ Ideas for White & Silver Nail Designs

White and silver are beautifully universal colors.

This makes your job of choosing one style out of milions extremely difficult.

We know exactly what this feels like!

After scouring the internet for hours, we have rounded up the trendiest, shiniest, and most stunning designs for white and silver nails.

Check out our gallery of favourites below and pick your style from the versatile list! 

White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
white and silver nail designs 7
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs
White And Silver Nail Designs

The Power Duo

For as long as we have known, white has represented purity, simplicity, elegance, and sophistication.

It can add a touch of class to any look.

In white and silver nail designs, white finds a companion in silver, giving your nails a glamorous and modern look. 

While white was largely used in nail designs as an accent, a shade to enhance designs, or specifically on the tips, pairing the shade with silver throws the door open for more experimental and modern styles.

You can choose to keep it subtle and classy or work with intense geometric and metallic designs.

We love white and silver nail designs for this very reason – experimentation and versatility, you can never go wrong! 

Subtle White & Silver Nail Designs

As mentioned before, white and silver can be the perfect combo to create subtle and elegant designs.

Think minimalist patterns with silver accents, dots, or stripes.

Some of our favorite designs use silver just to accentuate, for e.g., glam up the usual french tips with a touch of metallic silver around the tips to further accentuate length. 

Subtle white and silver nail designs are perfect for everyday wear as they add a frosty element to an otherwise lowkey look.

White Nails with Metallic Flair

Looking for something more bold and glamorous?

Think metallic!

Depending on the length of your nails, white and silver metallic designs can either be very bold or dainty and delicate.

Our favorite trait of any metallic colors is how beautifully the shades catch light, making any design multidimensional and worth a second glance!

White & Silver Nail Designs for Special Occasions

White and silver nail designs have the ability to absoultely slay a special occasion and flatter any outfit.

Whether it is a wedding, a party, or a black-tie event, white and silver nail designs are suitable for all sorts of special days. 

Maintenance and Care for White & Silver Nails

When it comes to taking care of white and silver nails, you need be extra careful to make sure your design lasts long.

As white is a color that soils quickly, be careful when you are working with your hands.

Avoid paint, messy foods, or any other thing that can ruin a beautiful white shade.

We would recommend staying away from any heavy lifting or manual work to avoid chipping your nails. 

Last but not the least, preserve the shine girls!

Add a top coat or go in for a quick refresh to keep your white and silver nails sparkly.

Adding Your Unique Twist

When it comes to white and silver, the beauty lies in experimentation.

Since both colors are great complements to a range of shades, let your true self shine through!

Use your white and silver nail design as a canvas.

Pick a shade that you love or one that flatters your outfits and make the white and silver nail style your own! 

If you want to maintain the classic look of white and silver nail designs, opt for some accessories or gems to make your manicure even snazzier. 

When it comes to classic nail styles, you really can’t go wrong.

White and silver nail designs are one of the evergreen nail design styles that you can truly make your own. 

Lindsey Harris
Lindsey is a professional nail artist based in Utah, US. Her specialties are party and occasion nails, she loves to work with glitter and gemstones in her nail studio. She loves sharing her knowledge of the nail industry and curating the latest nail design trends. She is contributing to a number of other industry related magazines.